1845 North Milwaukee Ave, Chicago

Our Teachers

Rachel Hesson Connelly


Rachel was a 9 to 5’er for almost 15 years, working a “just alright job” in Detroit. Inspired by an Eleanor Roosevelt quote (the essence of which is to do something that scares you), she decided life is too short and in 2010 left her cubicle and headed to California for yoga teacher training. She is now a 500 hour certified Experienced Yoga Teacher certified with Yoga Alliance and additionally registered as a Continuing Education Provider.

She hopes to offer yoga classes that are intelligently sequenced to be both nourishing and physically challenging, as she has found for herself that physical strength and focus lead to the mental counterpart of confidence and peace. She also recognizes the importance of bringing in balance and ease and how much can actually be gained through the act of letting go. She enjoys eating ice cream even on the coldest of winter days, is a huge fan of peanut butter and considers herself a sparkling water connoisseur. She is happiest sharing a slow morning coffee, a trail hike, or simply a good laugh with her husband, Jim.

She considers it a privilege to share yoga with you and is excited to meet you on the mat!

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